Shape Architecture has obtained planning permission for many different roof terraces, ranging from Florin Court in Westminster to Cavendish House on Brighton seafront and many in between. Here we are exploring how an existing flat roof with a window overlooking it can become an easily accessible roof terrace to the flat behind.
Roof terraces have sensitivities in terms of overlooking and noise, amongst other things, and so in this instance we are using the planning Pre-App service, whereby we can submit a number of options to the planning authority and receive a report and guidance back. This will then inform the nature of the following full application.
Given this approach we explore three options ranging in extent.
Option One seeks to provide the maximum extent of terrace possible. The window becomes a door, exactly how we developed our roof terrace at Cavendish House. In this instance overlooking to the adjacent gardens has to be addressed so we propose 1.7 metre high obscure glass panels. Looking straight out is less sensitive and so a clear glass panel at 1.1 metres high is proposed.
Option Two is a slightly more modest version of option One with the side panels brought in from the edge of the roof. It will nonetheless provide valuable external space to the flat