Shape Architecture has been working on a house in Southwick where we have been commissioned to add a large side extension to include kitchen/dining space and a new garage. The property is quite distinctive and has many important architectural features both in terms of key building elements such as the entrance tower and at the level of architectural detail. Given this we have carried out extensive Pre-App work with the local planning authority and on the basis of a supportive pre-app report we have now submitted the planning application.
- Existing Plan for Southwick Property
- Proposed Plan for Southwick Property
Southwick Extension
The new extension is designed to retain the clarity of the existing entrance tower. The additional accommodation dramatically changes the interior to create a large kitchen dining room filled with light from a large rooflight and extensive glazing giving onto the garden. This space also connects with the new garage and stores.
If you have plans to extend your home please feel free to contact us at Shape Architecture. We would be very happy to chat with you.

Photograph of existing Southwick property