Hip to Gable Extension in Hove: Design Proposals
Yesterday we described how Shape Architecture carries out a measured survey of a property using our new project in Dawes Road in Fulham. Here we look at the next stage at another new commission this time a hip to gable extension in Hove.
Having issued our measured survey brochure we move onto the proposals work. This will be informed by our clients brief, site constraints and budget considerations. During this process we meet our clients several times at their property to discuss and develop the design. As you will see the 3D computer model created at the measured survey stage is developed to explore and clearly communicate design ideas. In this instance the design proposals were started immediately after the survey was issued and completed in one week. Once the developed design is signed off by our client the next stage will be the preparation of the planning submission. This will typically include existing survey drawings and proposal drawings describing the scheme in plan, elevation and section. This will be accompanied at a minimum by a design and access statement and depending on the site location, a flood risk assessment, a heritage statement and if the project involves a basement extension, then a construction method statement is likely to be required too. Once all assembled as a series of pdfs we will upload the application on the Planning Portal and complete the on line forms. The application is then received by the local planning authority who will proceed to validate it and then assign an application reference, case officer and target decision date, which is typically 8 weeks from the point the application was validated.
If you would like to discuss a potential project in Hove, please feel free to contact us at Shape Architecture at 01273648342 or brighton@shapearchitecture.co.uk. We would be happy to discuss this with you.