• Shape Architecture in the Community

    Shape Architecture in the Community


    Every year we take 3 students from local schools into our office for a week each and introduce them to the varied aspects of being an architect.  This year, we were pleased to host students from Dorothy Stringer School, Steyning Grammar School, and Varndean College.  We have just finished another very successful round of placements for 2024 and below we include a number of designs that each student has produced.

    This year’s brief was to design an off grid house on an island in a Scottish Loch.

    The process starts with the student selecting the site using google earth.  Each student then starts their design with hand drawing on paper.  We are always on hand and always chatting with them.  Once the design has advanced they start using architectural software such as Sketchup, firstly to draw 2D plans and then to explore their design in 3D.  By the end of the week they have produced a series of computer models and other images describing their design.  This is always quite an achievement and this year we have been very impressed with the quality of the work and also how easily each student fitted in to the office environment.

    We look forward to next years round of students visiting us in 2025.